So I decdied to get out one of the old animation boards and start drawing in the realworld instead of on the computer.
So I set up a short sequence where the long headed orc "Mr Sneaky" tapping his head as if to imply "trust me." and taps his head knowingly.
Something easy and short todo. So with the gesture sketches done I then sat down and drew the key poses.
I found at first that I was a bit uncomfortable with the whole process at first, however, I gave it a few days and it really became a very intuitive way to work.
So after I had finished a good portion of the frames, I then used this wonderful pencil test machine, which suspends a camera above to photo each frame for pencil tests.
And this is the first pencil test
Personally I think It could be a lot better, I think I could have added more frames where he opens his mouth. It isn't finished yet, I would go ahead and add more frames of Mr sneaky at the beginning and end, probably inclining over before he turns his head. and maybe tapping his head more and returning to work.
Those are just some thoughts But overall this experiment has definitely answered one important question; Yes, traditional animation techniques WORK!!! I feel very happy working this way and i feel that my drawings are much better when I'm behind an animation board! :)
I'll continue to experiment with different mediums, but ill be definitely returning to traditionally creating animation in my Honours for sure
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